Project Management with Tiki Trackers
Flexible Tiki Trackers can help in the management of simple to complex projects. Administration panels allow for easy configuration without any additional programming or plugins
Tiki Trackers creates procedures for data and resources to manage project tasks, team, and costs. In the following diagram, there are three Trackers created for Projects, Tasks and Time Sheets. Trackers when combined with other Tiki features as user groups, permissions, categories and communication tools allow us to create an innovative project management system.
Simple Project Management
Example Diagram
Features Detail
1- Users
Tiki is equipped with extensive user groups and permissions modules to create multiple user groups for different departments, clients and managers.
2- Permissions
It allows you to control the user rights for all user groups. For example, Admins and Managers are allowed to create new projects, tasks and review the progress of other workers. While workers and clients can only work on tasks and files related to them.
3- Dashboard
We can create custom dashboards for different user groups. After login, a user can see the tasks assigned to him, the latest comments, and deadlines. Admins and managers get extra features and segments.
4- Trackers
There are three trackers created in this example. We can create as many trackers as we want, inter-link them, assign them to different users and user groups. In this case, the tracker Project, Tasks and Time Sheets are interlinked.
5- Tracker Fields
We define fields for every tracker. There are more than 50 different field types such as text fields, text areas, dropdowns, user select, email etc. Fields have more advanced options such as visibility for certain user groups or users, calculations, and much more.
6- Tracker Items
Every tracker has tracker items (data records). Using permissions we allow certain user types to be able to create, view and edit the data records. In this case for Project Tracker, the records will be the list of projects a company is working on. Tasks Tracker will hold all the tasks related to the projects.
7- Communication
Each tracker item can be discussed among the team/users assigned to it. Users can discuss in comments, upload files or conduct a video conference. Additionally, users linked to a tracker or watching a tracker also receive email alerts upon any new records or modifications.
8- Reporting
By using the trackers we are able to track all the data in the database and generate reports and charts to visualize this data. It helps companies know and understand how things are going. In the example project management, we can see User working hour reports, the total costs of a project, and more.